Me .


This is the second post, so before getting any further, I probably should introduce myself. Writing about myself feels strange. Maybe I’m not used to doing it. Or maybe I’m worried about being big headed. Ether way, I would like to give some context to where this is heading.

Hello, I’m Dom (Dominic Silverthorn).

Let's start with the question one gets on meeting new people: "what do you do"?

The simple answer: I love to make things.
The longer version: I'm a cabinet and furniture maker by training, and a lifelong thinker and maker. A crafts-person.

How this came to be:

Ever since I was a kid, I've had a passion for artistic expression. In my teens (90's) I painted, sketched, sculptured clay, made skateboards, built wood cameras, designed things, welded bike stuff, shaped surfboards and broke many things.

In college I studied art, photography and design. In woodwork class, I found a deep interest for making furniture. This led me to a working apprenticeship for a cabinet and fine furniture company.

Going solo

Several years later, I became self employed. I worked for private home owners and collaborated with other companies. At first good projects were very hard find, but over time my craft and skill started to be seen and offers for more intresting work came. Like the oak staircase and front door (show below).

A plesure to work with the renowned, Barnsley workshop.

Decided to move overseas.

In 2016 I moved from the UK to Japan, with the hope to continue developing my craft. Yet I had no past work to show for, and no conections within my new location. So it felt like starting once again.

Thanks to a few wonderful people, that gave me the opertunity to show my craft. I have worked on intresting and challanging projects, from renovated homes, building tiny houses, small shelters, design work and custom furniture.

Around 2018 I returned to my skate and surf-craft project. I also started to run ocasinal art, craft and photography experance days. (both, I will talk more on in the future)

In 2022 I built my own workspace, where I currently design and make custom works, using a mixture of new and up-cycled materials.

DIR Toolbox, made from upcycled materials

DIR table, made from upcycled materials

Going forward

For some time, I’ve been thinking on creating a space. A place to create and share the experience of making things by hand.

This online scrapbook is my first step to doing this, and I look forward to where this goes.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, I always love to hear from people that have found my work, Please just email me.

Created 07th February 2025